Veterinary Authorized User Training (FX)
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Welcome to Veterinary Authorized User Training.
This course consists of 8 Lessons and 8 Quizzes.
F.X. Massé Veterinary AU and RSO Training Modules
This training has been developed to satisfy regulatory training requirements for new Authorized Users (AU) specifically related to the use of unsealed radioactive materials for veterinary applications. The training consists of eight modules which entail didactic slides, reading materials, and a quiz. Once the quiz is complete, the user will be able to move to the next module. Once all eight modules are completed, the veterinarian will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be used for a radioactive materials license amendment to add the new AU.
While not necessary for completion, the recommended reference text for this training is Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection– Turner.
Module 1 – Regulatory Overview
Module 2 – Radioactivity
Module 3 – Interaction of Radiation with Matter
Module 4 – Radiation Detection and Measurement
Module 5 – Radiation Biology and Protection Standards
Module 6 – Time, Distance, Shielding and Dosimetry
Module 7 – Radiation Safety Surveys and Patient Release
Module 8 – Rad Safety Program and Waste Management
1. Regulatory overview
- Regulation of Radioactive Materials Use
- Radioactive Materials License
- Authorized Users and Radiation Safety Officers
- RAM License Amendment Process
- RAM License Conditions
- Licensee Inspections and Violations
- Supplemental Reading Material:
Reading List:
- 1.1. FDA Package insert / Device Label from drug manufacturer
- 1.2. NUREG 1556 Volume 7 Rev 1 (specifically, see Appendix D for veterinary users)
2. Radioactivity
- Part I: The Atom
- Atomic structure
- Atomic number and mass number
- Chart of nuclides
- Part II: Radioactive Decay
- Activity
- Half-life
- Decay equation
- Alpha decay
- Beta decay
- Gamma emission
- Internal conversion
- Biological Elimination and Effective Half Life
- Decay scheme
- Part III: Properties of Radioiodine (Na131I), IsoPet® (90Y), and Synovetin OATM (117mSn)
Recommended Reading:
- 2.1. For 131I treatment: Roberts, E., J. M. Gray, E. Gunn, and I.K. Ramsey. A novel method of continuous cage-side monitoring of hyperthyroid cats treated with radio-iodine. Veterinary Record, July 4, 2015.
- 2.2. Turner, James E. 2007. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection. Wiley-VCH, Germany. (optional textbook)
3. Interaction of Radiation with Matter
- The Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter:
- Modes of radiation interaction
- The Interaction of Charged Particles with Matter:
- Heavy charged particles
- Electrons and positrons
- The Interaction of Uncharged Particles with Matter:
- Photons
- Neutrons
- Specific Interaction Properties of 131I NaI radioiodine, 90Y IsoPet®, and 117mSn Synovetin OATM
Recommended Reading:
2.2. Turner, James E. 2007. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection. Wiley-VCH, Germany. (optional textbook)
4. Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Units of Measure for Ionizing Radiation
- Measurement Instruments: Gas-Filled Chambers
- Ionization Chamber
- Well Counter and Dose Calibrator
- Measurement Instruments: Scintillation Detectors
- Ludlum 44-3
- Measurement Instruments: GM Counters
- Ludlum 44-88
- Ludlum 44-9
- Ludlum 44-38
- Ludlum 26-1
Reading List:
5. Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection Standards
- Basic Concepts of Radiation Biology
- Radiative Interactions with Tissue and Cells
- Dose Response Curves
- Stochastic and Non-stochastic Effects of Radiation
- Acute and Delayed Biological Effects
- Radiation protection standards
- Occupational Dose Limits – General Public and Radiation Workers
Reading List:
5.1. NRC Reg Guide 8.29, Instruction Concerning Risks from Occupational Radiation Exposure, 1981
5.2. NRC Reg Guide 8.13, Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure, 1999
6. Time, Distance, Shielding and Dosimetry
- Part I – Radiation Protection Principles:
- Time
- Distance, and inverse square law
- Charged particle shielding, with specifics for 90Y
- Photon shielding, with specifics for 131I
- Facility design and shielding
- Ideal hot lab setup
- Part II – Dosimetry:
- External dosimetry
- Occupational Dose Limits
- Dosimeters for external monitoring
- Internal dosimetry
- Internal dose monitoring for bioassay
- Specific Properties for External and Internal Monitoring of 131I, 90Y and 117mSn
Reading List:
6.1. NRC Reg Guide 8.7, Instructions for recording and reporting occupational radiation dose data, 2018
6.2. NRC Reg Guide 8.34, Monitoring criteria and methods to calculate occupational radiation doses, 1992
6.3. NRC Reg Guide 8.20 Rev 2, Applications of bioassay for radioiodine, 2014
7. Radiation Surveys and Patient Release
- Radiation Units of Measurement: A Review
- Monitoring for Ambient Dose Rates and Contamination
- Daily closeout surveys
- Weekly wipe test surveys
- Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulations
- Treatment Workflow
- Pet owner interview
- Pet owner precautions
- Release measurement techniques
- Post-release actions by pet owner
Reading List:
- 7.1. NRC Regulatory Guide 8.2: Administrative Practices in Radiation Surveys and Monitoring
- 7.2. NRC Regulatory Guide 8.39, Rev 1: Release of Patients Administered Radioactive Materials
8. Radiation Safety Program and Waste Management
- Radiation Safety Program:
- Handling
- Spill Procedure
- Radioactive Waste Regulations:
- 10 CFR 20.2003
- Decay in Storage:
- Regulations
- Surveys
- Solid Waste
- Liquid Waste
- Liquid Waste Disposal
- License Conditions
- Organic Waste
Reading List:
- Radioisotope therapy Manufacturer’s Device Label, or FDA Package Insert
- 10 CFR 20.2003
- Owner Precautions