Synovetin OA Practical Use & Radiation Safety
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Welcome to Synovetin OA Practical Use & Radiation Safety.
This course consists of 1 Lesson and 1 Quiz.
Synovetin OA Practical Use and Radiation Saftey
This training has been developed for existing Authorized Users (AU) and is specifically related to the use of Synovetin OA which contains 117mSn (Tin-117 metastable). The trainee will have access to practical templates used in conjunction with an existing Radioactive Materials License. After satisfactory completion of the quiz, the trainee will receive a certificate which can be used as justification for the AU to add 117mSn to their existing radioactive materials license.
Module 9. Synovetin OA Practical Radiation Safety
- Radioactive Materials License
- Authorized Users
- Radiation Safety Officer
- Synovetin OA tehnical aspects
- 117mSn technical aspects
- Owner Interview and basic Owner Precautions/Release Instructions
- Exubrion FAQ, Templates, Training, Dose Equivalence examples
- Ordering, Shipping, and Receiving
- Synovetin OA Order Form
- Ordering Lead Time
- DOT Receipt records
- Dose Measurement
- Volumetric measurement
- Optional Dose Calibrator Use
- Capintec Settings; bulk vial vs plastic syringe
- Atomlab Settings; bulk vial vs plastic syringe
- Syringe shield use
- Leaded carrier use
- Option to measure residual from tubing/syringe
- What to do with radioactive waste
- Decay in Storage and Sanitary Sewer
- Owner Precautions/Release Instructions
- Release Measurement
- Ludlum 26-1 Dose
- Organic Waste
- Daily Closeout Surveys
- Weekly Wipe Tests
Reading List:
- 1.1 Synovetin OA Device Label
- 4.6 Ludlum 26-1 Specifications Sheet
- 7.4 Pre-screening Questionnaire
- 7.5 Release Instructions
- 7.6 Procedure for Use
- 8.3 Waste Policy
- 9.1 Synovetin OA Order Form
- 9.2 Package Receipt Template
- 9.3 Dose Calibrator Instructions (Capintec)
- 9.4 Dose Calibrator Instructions (Atomlab)
- 9.5 Daily Closeout Template
- 9.6 Weekly Wipe Template